Attachment C FCC REMOTE BIDDING SOFTWARE ORDER FORM: The VHF Public Coast Station Auction Only those qualified bidders that file their FCC Form 175 applications electronically have the option of using the FCC Remote Bidding Software to participate in the auction bidding process. Further, while bidders are free to copy the software for use by authorized bidders at different locations, the FCC auction system will accept electronic bids only from bidders who have purchased the software. (Since bidding software is tailored to a specific auction, software from prior auctions will not work for Auction 20.) The price of the FCC Remote Bidding Software is $175.00, including a user manual and shipping. To order, complete the form below and return no later than 5:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday, November 17, 1998, to: FCC Bidding Software, Auction No. 20 Auction Operations Branch 1270 Fairfield Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245 FAX: 717-338-2850 For security purposes, software packages will be sent with other registration materials only to the contact person at the applicant address specified on the FCC Form 175. NO EXCEPTIONS. Auction applicant: ______________________________________________________________ FCC Assigned Account No. __________________________ Phone:_____________________ Fax: ____________________________ Fax Modem No. ______________________________ Payment of $ 175.00 US by: check enclosed Visa MasterCard Type: 3.5 diskette CD-Rom Operating System: Win 95 or above (required) Credit card number _____________________________________ Expiration date __________ Name on card _________________________________________________________________ Authorized signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________