Attachment D FCC Remote Bidding System Hardware and Software Requirements At a minimum, bidders need the following hardware and software: þ CPU: Intel Pentium or above þ RAM: 16 MB (more recommended if you have multiple applications open) þ Hard Disk: 33 MB available disk space þ 1.44 MB Floppy Drive or CD-ROM Drive (to install the Remote Bidding System) þ Modem: v.32bis 14.4 kbps Hayes compatible modem þ Monitor: VGA or above þ Mouse or other pointing device þ Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98 þ Netscape Communicator 4.05 with JDK 1.1, or higher version of Netscape For questions regarding the above please contact Jeff Garretson at 202/ 418-7533 or technical support at 202/ 414-1250.