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Universal Licensing System

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US Borders

The US Borders/Regions program:

The US Borders program determines the distance to the Canadian and Mexican borders and determines what region the user-specified coordinates reside as defined in Rule Section 90.619. Rule Section 90.619 defines Canadian regions for 800 and 900 MHz land mobile radio stations. This rule also defines which frequencies may or may not be assigned in regions near the Canadian and Mexican borders.

This program provides you the distance to Chicago. Rule 90.617 defines a unique channel plan for the Chicago area that the FCC defines as stations with a 70-mile radius of 41° 52' 28"N and 87° 38' 22"W.

This program alerts you if the entered coordinates are in proximity to a defined peak as defined in Rule Section 90.621. Rule section 90.621 defines mountain peaks that should be provided special protection criteria.

NOTICE: This program is based upon calculation methods in Part 73 of the FCC rules for NAD83 coordinates.

Disclaimer: The Commission makes no warranty whatsoever with respect to the software. In no event shall the Commission, or any of its officers, employees, or agents, be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other loss) arising out of or relating to the existence, furnishing, functioning or use of the software. If you have suggestions for improvements to these applications, please contact Technical Support.